A matter of style
Beyond attitude
Anyone can buy beautiful things. Few can have style. Yet most have an opinion of what it is. What is style? Where does it come from? When does it influence our perceptions? And how does one define his or her own? To begin with, it can be said that having style is a way of doing something. It’s a distinct appearance, representative of how something is designed or interpreted. Not about what you own or buy, but what you do with it; how; and why. It makes you different from the rest, recognizable to others. The greatest misconception about it, however, is that it merely serves narcissistic needs, indulging in the pleasures of beauty and superficially cultivating aesthetics. But, if we take a deeper look, it’s very clear that it stands for much more than a shallow commodity for spoiled humans. In fact, style is a way of living; a form of good manners; an exercise of discipline; and a matter of culture. Once understood, it can create magic. Because, in learning about it, we learn about our own sense of self, and start cultivating it.
Finding your style
To grasp and master your style requires patience and honesty. But once recognized, it stays with you forever. So, in searching for your own kind, take time and critical thought. You must ask yourself a few important questions to keep in the back of your mind always:
• Who I am. Think about who you are now. Your place in your community, the contributions you’ve made, and the projects you’re working on. Consider all your characteristics as an individual and synthetize them in a few words.
• Who I want to be. Define the best version of yourself that you aspire to become. Think about other flourishers in your community you look up to. Take one or more role models and combine them. You’ll later grow into a merged mix of their features.
• Why I should care. Identify the specific qualities you carry that people are attracted to. If you can’t think of a good reason for others to care, then don’t expect them to find one. Search for qualities that have meaning to your community.
• What makes me unique. Visualize yourself in a line-up with ten other flourishers. What makes you distinctly different from the rest? Those features are the very aspects that define your unique value.
Take pride in your own approach, even if as a beginner it’s not refined. Your particular style will manifest as a result of the ones you emulate, perfecting itself in time.
Do it in style
Style can’t be bought. It may be borrowed. It sure must be earned. Once matured into your own recognizable kind, it magnetically generates a loyal following from other people. Inspire them. For surrounding ourselves with style ultimately lifts ours spirits, extols our sense of self, and helps define us as individuals to whom detail matters. Because your style matters. So stand out. Stay fresh. And RENEW YOU.